Metal & Copper Roofing Blog

Variations in Pricing for Different Metal Roofing Profiles

We were asked recently if our metal roofing products in diamonds, shingles, shakes and tiles are much different in cost than panel versions of metal roofs. Generally speaking, yes, profile plays a role in cost. But it really depends. Here's what to understand about variations in pricing for different metal roofing profiles.
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Topics: benefits of metal roofing, metal roof prices, best prices for metal roofing

H-25 Metal Diamonds as Vertical Wall Cladding

We are asked repeatedly if our metal roof products are suitable for wall cladding, and in the vast majority of cases the answer is yes! Here's an exciting recent project that uses our MRN H-25 diamonds for interior and exterior applications.
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Topics: benefits of metal roofing

Does Home Insurance Cost Less with a Metal Roof?

When you think about replacing your failing roof, there are many considerations - price, replacement material, possibly upgrading, aesthetics, and on. And while considering the impact your new roof might have on your insurance premiums is probably pretty far down the list, the right material can have that happy side effect. You may be surprised to learn that home insurance can actually cost less when you replace materials like asphalt composition shingles with a new metal roof. And here's an example.

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Topics: benefits of metal roofing

Here's How to Avoid Big Problems With Your Roof

When people think about their home, the roof doesn't usually come to mind. In fact, we rarely tend to think about our home's roof, until it's shedding bits of debris all over the lawn after a storm or water is suddenly pouring in through the ceiling.

That's worrisome, because by the time these kinds of issues are happening, your roof problem is likely to be a very big problem indeed. Luckily, it's simple enough to keep the roof on your radar to avoid huge, expensive problems. Here's how to avoid big problems with your roof.

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Topics: benefits of metal roofing

Does a Metal Roof Make a House Too Hot?

One of the questions we hear quite a bit relates to whether a metal roof "catches" more heat than a non-metal roof. In other words, does a metal roof make a house too hot?

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Topics: benefits of metal roofing

Does My Old Roof Need to Be Torn Off First?

One of our well-read blog posts, "Pros and Cons of Going Over Existing Roof Material," is the inspiration behind today's topic. When a potential customer - who happened to comment on that post - received varying opinions about her failing composition shingle roof, she asked our opinion. She wanted to know whether she should tear off her old roof and put a new version of the same material on, or upgrade to a metal roof and avoid the necessity of tearing off the old stuff.

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Topics: going over existing roofing, benefits of metal roofing, eco-friendly roofs, roof replacement

How to Find the Best New Roof For Your Home

Here in northern Nevada, we've been enjoying a beautiful fall - chilly nights but calm, sunny days. Still, we're closing in on November, and no matter where you live, it may be a good time to take a close look at your roof.

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Topics: going over existing roofing, benefits of metal roofing, residential metal roofing, roof replacement

Will My Roof Make It Through the Winter?

If you've ever wondered whether your old roof will make it through another winter season, you're not alone. Here's how to answer that question.

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Topics: benefits of metal roofing

Metal Roofs - Perfect for Northern Nevada!

Metal roofing is more popular than ever, and even with the price being higher than “regular” composition shingles, the popularity continues to grow. What’s more, metal roofs come in more styles and types than any other type of roof material, and they can complement almost any architectural theme.

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Topics: benefits of metal roofing

The Pros and Cons of a Metal Roof from the Metal Roof Experts

When it's time for a new roof, you have options. Just because you have concrete tile or composition asphalt shingles doesn't mean you're stuck replacing them with the same materials. After all, the roof is one of the biggest - and most overlooked - architectural features of a home. A new roof is an opportunity to change the entire look of your home, which is why it's worth at least considering different materials. Here are the pros and cons of a metal roof.

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Topics: comp vs metal, benefits of metal roofing, asphalt vs metal