We were approached by a client who was remodeling a 60+ year old residence that was originally built with discontinued asbestos diamonds shingles (seen below). He was looking for a roof product that would replicate the style, but without the issues that come with asbestos. Fortunately, we could offer a solution with our metal diamond roofing.
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Topics: roof replacement, diamond shaped roofing, finished steel
One of our well-read blog posts, "Pros and Cons of Going Over Existing Roof Material," is the inspiration behind today's topic. When a potential customer - who happened to comment on that post - received varying opinions about her failing composition shingle roof, she asked our opinion. She wanted to know whether she should tear off her old roof and put a new version of the same material on, or upgrade to a metal roof and avoid the necessity of tearing off the old stuff.
Read MoreTopics: going over existing roofing, benefits of metal roofing, eco-friendly roofs, roof replacement
Here in northern Nevada, we've been enjoying a beautiful fall - chilly nights but calm, sunny days. Still, we're closing in on November, and no matter where you live, it may be a good time to take a close look at your roof.
Read MoreTopics: going over existing roofing, benefits of metal roofing, residential metal roofing, roof replacement
The roof is rarely the first thing that springs to mind for many people when they think about their home - unless there's a problem with it. Whether it's bits of the roof scattered about the lawn after a windy night, or the sudden realization that there are discolorations on the ceiling, or water actually dripping into the house, the realization that the roof is no longer doing its job is unpleasant at best. Unfortunately, by the time people realize there's a problem with their roof, it's likely become a very big problem indeed. But here's the good news. You can avoid neglecting the roof to the point that it becomes a big, expensive problem in one easy way.
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Years and years of supplying material to the roofing industry had long driven home the point that the vast majority of folk rarely think about the very, very prominent architectural element of their home that is the primary weatherproofing surface: i.e. their roof!
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Q: How can I tell whether I need to replace my existing roof or if I can get by with repairs? And is there any way to assess this without actually climbing up on my roof?
Topics: roof replacement