Metal & Copper Roofing Blog

The Pros and Cons of a Metal Roof from the Metal Roof Experts

When it's time for a new roof, you have options. Just because you have concrete tile or composition asphalt shingles doesn't mean you're stuck replacing them with the same materials. After all, the roof is one of the biggest - and most overlooked - architectural features of a home. A new roof is an opportunity to change the entire look of your home, which is why it's worth at least considering different materials. Here are the pros and cons of a metal roof.

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Topics: comp vs metal, benefits of metal roofing, asphalt vs metal

Metal Roofs vs. Hurricane Winds

A burning roofing question submitted by a site visitor:

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Topics: benefits of metal roofing, best roof for high winds, asphalt vs metal

The Real Cost of a Disposable (Asphalt Shingle) Roof

I’m constantly chided for my prejudice about the superiority of metal roofing, and every now and then it’s great to see a reminder that I’m not as narrow-minded as I’m told.

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Topics: asphalt vs metal

Insulation Value Difference - Metal Roofing vs Asphalt Shingles

Here's a question recently asked in the comment sections of our blog post, "How to Save Money by Using Metal Roofing Over Your Existing Roof." Our visited wanted to know:

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Topics: asphalt vs metal

The Only Reasons NOT to Upgrade to Metal Roofing

As metal roofing suppliers, we're adamant that metal roofing is always a better choice than composition shingles. Our very last post covers that topic exactly. But we'll concede that there are three reasons you shouldn't upgrade to metal roofing. So when is a comp roof a better choice? 

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Topics: asphalt vs metal

Comparison Time - Asphalt Shingles vs Metal Roofing

After dealing with asphalt shingles, many people consider the wisdom of upgrading to metal come the inevitable replacement time. In fact, we've got our very own comparison sheet that goes into detail about both materials. Here are four popular misconceptions that pop up when people compare asphalt shingles to metal roofing:

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Topics: benefits of metal roofing, asphalt vs metal

The Many Reasons Asphalt Shingle Roofs Can't Beat Metal Roofs

The Toronto Star recently ran an article with the following question:

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Topics: benefits of metal roofing, asphalt vs metal

New Roof Time - Asphalt Shingles or Metal?

We may not be from North Carolina, but any story comparing asphalt shingles to metal roofing still gets our attention. Check out this NBC story covering one of the average homeowner's biggest questions - it's time for a new roof, so what's it going to be? Stick with what you know or upgrade to something better?

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Topics: asphalt vs metal