Metal & Copper Roofing Blog

Get the Metal Roof - Here's Why

There are few certainties in life, but death, taxes, and the need for a roof at least once in a lifetime are among them. And if it's at all possible, a metal roof is always the savvier choice - and that's in spite of the higher upfront cost. Over the years, that initial investment will pay for itself again and again, which is why it's worth considering a metal roof before spending thousands to have another layer of composition shingles added to your roof. This, by the way, is the very material that will need patching and/or replacing at some point far too soon - guaranteed.

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Topics: metal roof benefits

The Most Durable Roofing for Fire & Hurricane Season

With all the horrible news of fires and hurricanes this fall - disasters that are becoming all-too-common these days - I’m reminded again of some of the features and benefits that we discuss all the time in the metal roof business, yet still take for granted until some extreme event occurs.
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Topics: metal roof benefits

Do metal roofs ever need to be replaced?

I was having a conversation with a client the other day about the benefits of metal roofing, and he asked an interesting question:  If I buy a metal roof, will I ever have to replace it? My answer was the usual, “You won’t live long enough!” However, it did have me thinking about all the metal roofs I’ve seen installed and how many I’ve actually seen replaced. 

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Topics: metal roofs, metal roof benefits

Proof that Metal Roofs Keep Going and Going and Going

Longevity. t's one of the benefits - and selling points - of metal roofing. And the proof of that is in the metal roofs that you can find around town. These are coated steel roofs that look as good today as they did the day they were installed - five, ten, twenty years ago and even longer! Here's a little video of a coated steel tile roof more than a decade after installation - and it looks fantastic. No maintenance issues, no problems with the intense sun exposure here in northern Nevada, no issues from our freeze-thaw cycles or high winds. Just a great-looking roof that has done its job from the start and will continue to do so for the indefinite future. Kudos to these homeowners for making such a smart buying decision so long ago!

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Topics: metal roof benefits

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Metal Roofing

We know what a hot topic metal roofing is (wink, wink), so we thought an overview might come in handy to anyone considering a new roof.

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Topics: metal roof benefits

The Safest Roof In A House Fire

Our thoughts and prayer are with the victims of the devastating Caughlin Fire here in Reno, Nevada. A man living in the vicinity of the fire, who was evacuated from his home, was quoted in the local paper about his concern for his house, particularly because of its shake roof. It raises the question: what's the safest roof you can have in a house fire?

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Topics: metal roof benefits, metal roof safety

Metal Roofs - Pay More Now and Save Later

This is a great article written by the founder of Angie's List about spending more on metal roofing today to reap savings over the lifespan of your roof. Check out the article via the link below after you read our handy Cliff's Notes version:

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Topics: metal roof benefits, metal roofs vs. asphalt, metal roofs vs. shingles

The Difference Between Shingles & Metal Roofing

How does metal roofing compare to comp?

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Topics: comp vs metal, metal roof benefits

Eco-Friendly Metal Roofing

Here's another in our Q&A series. As always, feel free to post your question and we'll post an answer as a blog post.

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Topics: eco-friendly roofs, metal roof benefits, green roofs

What to Look for in a New Roof

Here's an excerpt from our FREE re-roofing booklet in a section that discusses the many looks to be found in various roofing materials.

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Topics: metal roof vs. comp, metal roof benefits