Metal & Copper Roofing Blog

Three Reasons Metal Roofing is More Popular Than Ever

More and more, we're seeing metal roofs used in residential applications that, just a few years ago, would probably have specified materials like shingles or concrete. So why the change? Education and an understanding of the real benefits of metal roofing have to be part of it, but here are three big reasons that metal roofing is more popular than ever:

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Topics: benefits of metal roofing, best metal roof

The Best Metal Roof for the Money

The current economic climate notwithstanding, people are going to continue to need roofs. And if it's at all possible, a metal roof is still your best bet despite the higher initial cost. Over time, your investment will pay for itself again and again. At the very least, you should explore your re-roofing options with metal before slapping the same old comp shingles on your roof again - the very ones that will require patching and/or replacement far too quickly.

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Topics: metal roof systems, metal roof vs. comp, best metal roof, metal roof benefits