Metal & Copper Roofing Blog

Can You Use Standard Ice & Water Shield Under Metal Roofing?

Someone reached out recently with a specific question about the choice of ice and water shield her contractor was using with the new copper roof over her three bay windows. She noticed that the high operating temperature for this particular product was 194F and worried that wasn't high enough, posing problems down the road, so she reached out for our insight.

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Topics: metal roofing

Metal Roofing and the End of 2020

Another year in the history books, and metal roofing remains one of the very best roof materials that a building owner can choose. Since I first began working with metal roof materials back when Reagan was early in his first term, metal roofing has maintained its position at the top rung of roofing options, with its price and performance at the premium end of the spectrum. There have been many, many roofing products that have come and gone in the last few decades, but metal roofing just keeps chugging along at the front of the quality line.
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Topics: metal roofing

Installing Solar Panels Over Metal Roofing

We recently received a phone call from a solar contractor who was inquiring about techniques for installing solar panels on one of our metal roof systems. As usual, our answer was that as long they used a compatible metal, t here was nothing peculiar about installing solar panels on one of our roofs.  Since the roof in question was formed of aluminum, we made it clear that they should use aluminum mounting hardware, flashings, and hardware to make sure that they didn’t create any electrolysis. Other than that, taking normal precautions foot traffic should yield a very successful application.
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Topics: metal roofing, metal roofs and solar panels

Does Standard Ice & Water Barrier Work Under Metal Roofing?

This is a great question that came in a comment via another blog post, " Will A Metal Roof Make My House Hotter?" Our reader wanted to know if a standard ice and water barrier would work under metal roofing. The short answer? Not in our experience. Here's why.
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Topics: metal roofing

The Misconception of Heat Absorption and Metal Roofing

We recently received a comment on one of our blog posts, and the writer was quite adamant that the metal roof installed on his parents' home has made the house unbearably hot. He concluded that installing the metal roof was a regrettable decision. Even though the writer was not a customer of ours, made the comment anonymously, and left no information about the type or metal roof his folks had installed (or any other details of the job, for that matter), I felt it worth responding just because there are plenty of misconceptions about metal roofing. Heat absorption is one of them.

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Topics: metal roofing benefits, going over existing roofing, metal roofing

The Experience of Web-Based Business During Social Distancing

I was on a conference call today with a major roof contractor that we work with regularly. During our discussion, they asked about protocols for servicing customers in the age of social distancing. It's a relevant question considering the current pandemic, but it also made me realize that much of what we've done here at Metal Roof Network over the past decade is still new to some companies. Here's why the web-based business model of MRN is likely a safer bet than businesses trying to pivot to the web during our current crisis.
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Topics: metal roofing

5 Ways to Take Proper Care of Metal Roofing

As a metal roof distributor and manufacturer, we write about metal roofing all the time. You'll often find us discussing the low maintenance of metal roof, which may seem a little contrary to the title of this post. While metal roofing is just about the longest lasting material you can buy, there are things you can do to keep it looking and performing its best. Here are five ways to take proper care of metal roofing.

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Topics: metal roofing

What's New in Metal Roofing for 2020?

It’s a new decade, which makes it a good time to talk about the latest in metal roofing. Depending on who you ask, you're likely to get two very different - and opposing - answers. It could be argued that all kinds of things are new in the world of metal roofing, but it's also true that nothing's really changed. Here's why.

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Topics: metal roofing

Can You Use Standard Ice & Water Barrier Under Metal Roofing?

We received a comment recently on our post, "Will A Metal Roof Make My House Hotter?" asking this very question. It's a good question, and so we turned it into a blog post to share our answer.
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Topics: metal roofing

Metal Roofing Can Definitely be a Challenge...

This comment was posted to one of our blog posts recently and I thought it was an idea that deserved a response. Since I deal with metal roofing every day, it’s all too easy to be dismissive as I know from experience that metal roofing is not rocket science and can be properly executed by just about anyone. However, upon reflection, it’s not too hard to imagine that the process is complex and mysterious to anyone who is making their first attempt at installing a metal roof system.
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Topics: metal roofing