Metal & Copper Roofing Blog

How the Supplier for that Copper Roof Affects its Price and Quality

Here's another post in a recent series about copper roofing. If you've been following along, you're well aware by now that copper roofing is not an inexpensive investment. Consider the following before you make your purchasing decision to avoid throwing money away on that beautiful new roof.

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Topics: copper roof facts, copper roof, copper roof benefits

Premium Copper Roofing - Faking it vs. the Real Thing

With nearly every copper roofing post we publish - and there have been a few - we spend some time exalting this material for its fabulousness. It's hard to do otherwise - for thousands of years, its beauty has crowned some of the most distinctive residences and public buildings in the world. But it's not just good looking. Copper roofing is equally renowned for its longevity. While it won’t last forever - though which roofing material will? - there are copper roofs in the USA that have been performing since the 18th century (have a look at this impressive example). This longevity is thanks to its incredible durability. Another notable feature about copper roofing is its famed patina. As a copper roof ages, it reacts with moisture in the air and develops its calling card - a patina as individual as can be. Add it all up, and you have a roof with tremendous appeal, making it one of the more expensive roofing materials you could select. 

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Topics: copper roofing, copper roof benefits

Copper Roofing Pros and Cons

We ran across an interesting article addressing the pros and cons of copper roofing. And while the pros are all right on, there is one con listed that we just have to dispute:

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Topics: copper roofs, copper roof benefits