If you're in northern Nevada or just west in California, you may have been caught in our recent - and impressive! - hail storms. It brings to a mind a question we've had before - how well does coated steel stand up to heavy hail? Quite well, actually. Coated steel is one of the best roof choices you can make if you live in hail country, and there are three characteristics that make it so.
- Coated steel is incredibly strong: Coated steel refers to the zinc and aluminun coating, and it's this coating that makes it sturdy enough to withstand impressive hail without being punctured. In fact, coated steel roofing is clearly warranted to withstand golf-ball sized hail - as long as the steel isn't breached, the material will still operate as a water-proofing barrier and do its job as a roof. To be clear, there are hail storms that can damage even a coated steel roof by tearing the steel itself apart. But hail of that sort would lay waste to just about anything, so the roof would probably be just something else in a very long string of casualties in an instance like that. The bottom line is that being made of steel means a coated steel roof will survive hail that would destroy other roofs made of inferior materials.
- Coated steel is pre-formed: Every coated steel tile is stamped in a press before the finish is applied. To add strength and beauty, the sheet is pre-formed into its shake or tile pattern. The pattern is an aesthetic advantage - even if the steel is dented by severe hail, the dents are barely visible. The shake pattern in particular is made in such a way that noticing a dent made by hail (or anything) from the ground view is next to impossible. I've been on old roofs that require careful, close-up inspection to see damage from a hail storm at some point.
- Coated steel is re-finishable: Coated steel tiles that really suffered enough to look bad would likely still function properly. A new application of coating applied in the field - for much less than a roof replacement, no matter what the material - would bring the roof back to its former aesthetic.
If you're in northern Nevada or just west in California, you may have been caught in our recent - and impressive! - hail storms. It brings to a mind a question we've had before - how well does coated steel stand up to heavy hail? Quite well, actually. Coated steel is one of the best roof choices you can make if you live in hail country, and there are three characteristics that make it so
We offer coated steel in both tile and shake profiles. If it's something you're considering, contact us today for a free estimate. And compare it to concrete roofing with our free comparison sheet.