Metal & Copper Roofing Blog

Why You Need to Consider a Metal Roof

One of the biggest hurdles we face as a metal roof supplier is the preconception a surprising number of people seem to have about metal roofing. Here's how you can tell if you're one of them - close your eyes and imagine a metal roof. Are you picturing an old tin-topped barn? Then it's high time you open your eyes to the dazzling world of metal roofing! From the enormous variety of materials, finishes, profiles and colors to their unbeatable performance and lifespan, here are our top reasons you need to consider a metal roof when it's time to replace what you've got:

  • Variety, variety, variety

Metal roofs come in more options than any other roof material, and that makes them a fantastic choice for nearly any application. From copper to steel to exotic options like zinc in a bevy of standard tile, shake, shingle and panel profiles PLUS custom options, there's something for everyone. Take that, asphalt comp!

finished steel diamond shingles

  • Performance
Have a discussion about comp roofing, and it's doubtful that anyone is praising its longevity. Metal roofs are permanent roof systems because they'll typically last as long as the building on which they're installed. And that means no more tedious and costly re-roofing cycle - and no more chasing bits of your roof across the lawn when it's windy.   
  • Value
Compare the cost of the average metal roof to the average comp roof, and it may seem like comp has the advantage. But what you have to consider is that the comp roof will require replacing within 15-25 years - and that price will likely double every 15 years or so. That's what you need to compare to the one-time investment you're making with a permanent metal roof system.
coated steel tile | Metal Roof Network
  • Green Factor/Energy Efficiency
This is another benefit metal roofs offer in spades. They're often made of recycled material and are recyclable themselves, so they won't end up in a landfill - the ultimate destination for petroleum-based asphalt products. And the right metal roof can even reduce energy costs for your home.
The benefits really go on and on, so you owe it to yourself to at least consider metal when it's time for a new roof. Our FREE re-roofing booklet is a great place to start educating yourself about the world of roofing. At the very least, you'll be a better roof consumer and you'll have the information necessary to make the right decision for you and your project.

Topics: benefits of metal roofing, metal roof