One of my favorite products is our line of diamond-shaped metal roofing shingles. It's a style of metal roofing that has been used for centuries on prominent buildings. The shape also enjoyed some popularity in the early 20th century made from painted asbestos roofing shingles.
We now offer this interesting and unusual roofing pattern in an interlocking metal shingle and design each job individually with custom details for the specific requirements of our clients. And we're proud to offer three sizes and three shapes in this very old-world look that has few peers in the market.
Here's the lowdown on our diamond shingles:
- Interlocking features on all four sides mean supreme wind blow-off resistance.
- Light weight
- Distinctive and unique
- Offered with custom designed and made accessory details
- Available in three sizes and shapes
- Available as copper diamonds (new or aged), zinc diamonds, natural steel diamonds, finished steel diamonds and aluminum diamonds
Inquire about our zinc, finished steel and aluminum diamonds on our contact page or give us a call.
Our diamond shingles and their corresponding customizable sizes, metals, finishes and details mean we can provide our clients with the unique opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind look for their job that will last as long as their building is standing. It's just what we do!