Pricing for a new metal roof is always a hot topic as well, so read on for more information on the burning question: "I'm thinking of upgrading to a metal roof and want to know some prices." It's a little like asking, “I’m thinking about buying a new car and wanted to know some prices.” The answer in both cases begs the question, “What kind to you want?” In the case of metal roofs, just as with cars, prices vary wildly. The cheapest metal roof can be had for less than $1 a square foot, while the most expensive can cost $20 or more.
Metal roof prices are affected by the following:
The metal: Steel, aluminum, copper, zinc, tin, even titanium, lead and other metals and alloys all have been used to make roof material at one time or another and most are still used today. Due to the enormous price differences amongst the metals, the roof materials into which they can be formed vary accordingly. With each differing metal comes differing hardnesses, formability, and corrosion resistance. In the case of steel and aluminum, it is most common to have these metals “finished” (painted), and again there are differing grades of paint suitable for differing purposes. When asking for a metal roof price, be certain to inquire as to the particular metal you intend to use. If you don’t know, then at least have an idea of what appearance you’re hoping to achieve.
The gauge: This term refers to the thickness of the metal from which the roof material is formed. Common thicknesses are from 29GA (roughly .015 inches or .38 mm) to 22GA (roughly .033 inches or .84 mm). But metal roofs can be made from metals thinner than these and thicker, too. The particular metal determines which thickness is most appropriate for each roof application. Be aware that not all metals are commonly referenced by “gauge” and that “gauge” is not an equal unit of measurement even among metals (for example, 24 gauge steel is not necessarily the same thickness as 24 gauge steel). It’s a good idea when asking for roof prices to have an idea of what sort of “duty” you’ll require of the material. Something in heavy snow country or a very high wind environment may require a heavier, more robust metal, where something that only ever encounters a light breeze and constant sun may suffice with the lightest of metals.
The profile: Vertical ribs, rectangular or diamond shingles, tiles, shake facsimiles – all of these different shapes and looks are often referred to as a “profile.” Some metals and some metal gauges are well suited to certain profiles and some are not. Some profiles are only made in one or two metals, and some are available in any metal. Differing profiles have differing “yields.” This means that certain profiles use more or less metal than other depending on the complexity of the shape. Even within each of these categories of profile, there are an enormous variety of options. For instance, Omega Roof has at least a dozen different versions of vertical rib profiles, and there are pros and cons to each version. When requesting prices for metal roofs, the more specific you can be about the look, or model, the faster you can get useful numbers for your job.
The size and complexity of the job: If you’re purchasing roof shingles for a bay window, it may cost $100 for the basic material, $100 for the accessories (eave, hip, flashing), and $100 for freight. So in this case, your 30 square foot job might cost $100 per square foot! If on the other hand, you’re purchasing for a 4000 square foot home with a triple attached garage and a simple roof line, you may be purchasing 6000 square feet of roof material and the accessories and freight may total less than $3 per square foot. Add the variables of type of metal, gauge and profile, and it becomes apparent quickly that all of the specifics of a metal roof project are important in determining the budget.
Whew! Check out our FREE re-roofing booklet for more information if you're beginning the re-roofing process, or feel free to call for answers to specific questions. And good luck!