Metal & Copper Roofing Blog

Is There Such a Thing as Eco-Friendly Re-Roofing?

coated steel shake | Metal Roof Networkcoated steel tile | Metal Roof NetworkWe got an inquiry the other day, and the potential customer mentioned the following:

"My asphalt shingles are nearing the end of their life, but replacing them generates such a lot of waste (I just re-roofed the shed, and that was only a single layer). So I'm investigating more eco-friendly approaches."

First of all, how great that someone is factoring eco-friendliness into their re-roof decision! If we all did that, imagine the difference we could make for the planet we all share. 

One of the big eco advantages of metal roofs is that many of them are capable of being installed over many types of existing roof coverings, saving the impact on land fills. This is because metal roofs are made of a big percentage of recycled material, and the fact that they are light and rigid means that they are very easy on the earth and existing buildings. Plus most of the metal choices you can make will outlast roofs like composition many times over. I'm convinced metal would be the primary roof of choice for almost every home in the US but for one thing - it tends to be among the more expensive choices.

Want to know more about metal roofing? The benefits extend far beyond the green factor! Download our FREE re-roofing booklet today. And see how metal compares to shingles with our metal vs. comp comparison sheet, another free and valuable download.

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