Metal & Copper Roofing Blog

Does a metal roof need a special installer?

ES Shake BeforeAs a supplier and manufacturer of metal roofing, Metal Roof Network doesn't handle any installations of our material. But that doesn't mean we don't work directly with contractors and installers. It's given us an understanding of the kind of person or company you want installing your new metal roof. The truth is, there is a wide range of skill sets when it comes to roof mechanics. Here's what to know about metal roofs and installers.

The Right installer for your metal roof project

We're fortunate to be on the radar of architects who specify our custom profiles for their projects. One of these architects is a repeat customer who specified a certain material and profile on two projects, one year apart. The first job had an experienced metal roof contractor who put the roof on with no problems. The project ended up winning a design award, which was wonderfully exciting. The second project, one year later, had a different contractor. From the start of the job, he was reporting problems and had continued issues with the execution of the job. So what made one project a breeze and the other so challenging?

the 80/20 rule

There is nothing inherently difficult in the installation techniques needed for a metal roof installation. Anyone with passing understanding of sheet metal can both understand and install any of our metal roofing systems with the most basic knowledge of roofing practices. But the 80/20 rule applies in roofing, just like it does everywhere else. The rule holds that 80 percent of roofers are ordinary to poor, and 20 percent truly excel at their trade). Keep that in mind when you're considering installers, especially the kind who tell you they can install anything. Ask for referrals and photos of previous jobs, particularly those in the same material you're considering.